Monday, July 7, 2008

Small Dog Blog Open For Business!

Where to start?

How about my reasons for starting this blog?

Well, to be honest I don't like dogs, rather, I THOUGHT I didn't like dogs. Turns out I never had one so that tainted my thoughts on dogs, and small dogs in particular.

Growing up we had cats so I defaulted to liking them. You don't really know any better so you just assume you like them and try and make up reasons for your thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I have 2 house cats and get much enjoyment from them, but as far as companions, they stink.

So when my girlfriend said that she was going to get a dog, a small dog at that, I had none of it. Adamantly I refused, but when she went out and got it on her own accord I had no other choice.

So I put up with the dog as best as I could. Peeing on the carpet and pooping everywhere. My room mate even slipped on some pee in the living room as we have wooden floors.

The dog was eventually named Pepper and is some sort of Chihuahua / Terrier mutt of a small dog breed. Not really sure. Kind of an Ewok crossed with a deer who had too much caffeine when she was small. She has freakish long scraggly hair. A neighbor remarked that the dog had the "wet dog look." That about sums it up.

So, the dog worked it's way into my life for the next 9 months. Here I am writing starting this blog about that damned dog. While I am typing she's scratching my leg wanting either food or attention (or both).

So... I'm out,

1 comment:

Cynthia Blue said...

LOL I Look forward to reading more about your dog!